Friday, 23 December 2011

How to move Your Apps to sd.IN [ ROOTED GALAXY Y]

Hi every body today i will show you that how to move your App and save you phone internal Memory size in Galaxy y.

First you should have a ROOTED GALAXY Y.

I am having a CUSTOM ROM INSTALLED AND WORK FINE WITH ME [ i have told earlier told this in post updated and how to install ROM ]

Go to market and download ROM TOOLBOX.

Now click on app manager and click on the apps that you want to move on your sd ( note :- superuser will grant the administrative right and it will be moved to you sd )

Kudoooosss......!!!! DONE

DO comment and share........!!


  1. is this for rooted device only?

  2. which is better?rom toolbox or link2sd?

  3. I just installed Link2sd and works fine. But, the apps installed in SD still use internal memory for DATA, DEX, etc... How do i set up the SD for interal memory use?
