Friday, 23 December 2011

install CMW recovery on Galaxy Y [ TESTED ]

you can install clockmod recovery very easy just you need is rooted gallaxy y.

From market download rom manager and serch for samsung galaxy mini

install it - will atje some time according to speed of net-

the click reboot into recovery and crack man you are into recovery.

for new cyanogen rom for GALAXY Y - www(.)romfory(.)blogspot(.)com

do click thankzzz....


  1. plz do comment here that is it working or not..

  2. Nope..
    A. can not Mount
    B. cant boot into it using the hardware buttons(recovery gets overwritten every-time)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanks rishi for your comment....
    we are working for it....the recovery is for temperary basis but our dev are working on ybe patches of Galxax Y and they will be patched with the Galaxy mini recovery and then beta one will be tested on devices but see it will take time since its a new phone but can be use to port custom rom...

  5. hi admin,
    thanks for bringing up this site. i hope you could port CWM in the near future, and be able to have custom roms on our Ys.

  6. ya sure man....!!!!!
    but du share becoz these ads will only be paid yo dev...all wrk fr money people....!!!!!

  7. ya sure man....!!!!!
    but du share becoz these ads will only be paid yo dev...all wrk fr money people....!!!!!

  8. waiting u......

  9. can i using out kitchen with this CWM??????

  10. That's a success. Got CWM recovery on my galaxy Y

  11. thanks....plz also write your name..!!

  12. For real? CWM recovery? via an app? Hows that?

  13. Tried it. It didnt work. So, yeah, This steps don't work. Thanks. Waiting for an update.

  14. i done this i installed this in clock mod recovery ...thanks .......

  15. the click reboot into recovery and crack man you are into recovery.

    for new cyanogen rom for GALAXY Y - www(.)romfory(.)blogspot(.)com

    What do you mean?

  16. i hv no choice to select galaxy mini... there is oly one option gt-s5360... hw cn i?

  17. u know hot to uninstall CWM? and the Cynogen mod is nt stable??
